Hey welcome to so juicy. Enjoy your stay and please sign the guestbook. Later, Chelsea
September 24 - Hilary Duff Island Birthday Bash
September 28 - Hilary Duff Island Birthday Bash re-run
Septmeber 28 - Hilary Duff's Birthday! SWEET 16!
Sorry I havn't updated in a while, i've been real busy with school and homework! .
Soon To Come:
~ Metamorphosis lyrics
~ MORE pictures
~ A Metamorposis Page
~ Quizzes
~ Stuff by Hilary Duff Page
August 23
~ Im been working on putting together the lyric section, Im gonna put all the Metamorphosis songs on their.
Disclaimer: This is not a official hilary site, I do not now Hilary, and I sure she will not ever visit this website.
Rules For This Website
~ In The link section if you wanna add a link it has to be a Hilary Duff websie
~ You have to be a fan of Hilary
~ You cannot steal my stuff without permission
~ You cannot leave mean and nasty messages in my guestbook